Where is Delphi?

6 min read

Had you heard that Epic dabbled with Delphi back in the 1990s? It’s true!

It was far more than dabbling though.

2025 marks the 1.0 release of Delphi. Regardless of whether you pronounce it del-fee or del-fy, it’s impressive that the platform and language is still available for sale today 30 years later (and has a healthy open source alternative Lazarus)! While Delphi never achieved the fame and fortunes of the elite technical stacks, it remained a valid and reasonable choice for building software for many companies for decades (and still does today on a much smaller scale).

Why isn’t Epic using it today if it was more than just a dabble?

One word: Borland.

A small R&D team had formed shortly after Delphi was released at Epic to investigate the possibility of building new and rebuilding existing Epic Windows applications using Delphi rather than the current choice of Visual Basic. While there were a number of technical issues with Visual Basic that could have been rectified by Epic teams better designing and architecting their applications, Visual Basic had a number of hard limits that were making application design and construction more challenging.

One slowly growing issue was the fact that applications weren’t “dynamic.” There was no practical way for a Visual Basic developer at the time to create an application from components and run an application efficiently based on configuration. There was no practical way to share code except for copies to be made. Creating anything reusable was a chore on a good day. It was disappointing, but we all knew even if we were afraid to admit it that Visual Basic was not the ideal programming language for a rapidly growing suite of connected applications.

Delphi offered Windows up on a wonderful platter of tasty IDE goodness. The IDE was as polished as Visual Basic (which was top of the class back then by a long shot). It exposed Windows APIs when needed, and provided ways to build components and libraries in a far more usable fashion. The provided component library (the Visual Component Library) was extensive and full source code was included! There was no magic as to how they’d built the library, so we could dive in deep and learn without guesswork.

Once the initial investigation happened, we cautiously green-lit the development of a replacement shell and library for all applications. Applications would be provided a shell and an extensive component library with comprehensive ways of building a more integrated and dynamic application experience.

There were 2 FTEs and one about half-time to quarter time.

We spent about 8 months working on the project and then in an afternoon we archived the project to shared NAS folder. Goodbye Delphi. 😢 It was never heard from or seen again at Epic (although last I knew the code was still in a folder on the shared NAS development drive zipped up until someone nukes it and no one misses it).

Delphi was a great platform that allowed us to fully exercise the Windows operating system and not be held back by the numerous limitations of Visual Basic. The development environment and langauge was remarkably freeing without the complexities of using Windows APIs directly or 😲: using the alternatives like the Microsoft Foundation Class libraries paired with C and C++ (my positive spin on that library is that it’s come a long way since it was first released in 1992 and has gone through a lot of growing pains).

What happened to Delphi at Epic?

Borland stock tanked: A LOT.

It’s frustratingly difficult to find the stock prices for a company that has undergone sales, etc. over the years. I can’t find the numbers. BUT, I recall the stock fell from around $80 to $2 in the course of a few months. Borland was struggling with product and market fit. Their revenue was down across the board and competitors like Microsoft were stepping up.

Betting the future Epic development platform on a product that may be sold or cancelled entirely was not a tenable plan. It was a disaster brewing. I know we fielded more than a few questions from then active Epic customers about whether Borland was a safe path for us.

Good news though!

In October of 1996, Microsoft announced Visual Basic 5 (beta). Epic had actually been on the beta program for quite a while, but relying on a “future” unpublished version wasn’t wise — there were a lot of changes happening and frequent updates (weirdly, I was the only person actually approved to access the beta due to the agreement we’d signed as it was some connections I’d established with a few amazing Microsoft support engineers that had ultimately provided us with access). Like with many Microsoft apps and platforms, the final shipping product often differs from the betas quite significantly.

Microsoft radically improved Visual Basic by adding control creation as part of the core environment and language. Not only could a developer create a packaged control that could be used by any ActiveX host, reusable code could be assembled into a compiled DLL (still as ActiveX, but with no UI). It was remarkable. It was all in Visual Basic. The final solution and techniques were a lot easier than Delphi too.

These changes were what Epic teams really needed to scale and share better than they had been. VB 5, now only 32 bit (thankfully) also allowed native code compilation, so gone were the days of interpreted code performance smells. Performance dramatically improved in many areas (but I’ll say that contrary to many untested opinions, the VB runtime interpreter was remarkably fast and was not a bottle-neck for many applications). This was still the era of Windows 95 being the primary OS, so there were still a lot of road-blocks, but the language and environment was no longer the stumbling block it had become in VB3. (Visual Basic 4 was primarily an upgrade to optional 32 bit support and some spit and polish).

Very shortly after, I pivoted to working on Visual Basic 5 infrastructure and building out the core Foundations GUI components that would be used for decades (thankfully retired now!).

I don’t miss Delphi at all, but it was a fun project.

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I really appreciate you stopping by and reading my blog!

You might not know that each Epic blog post takes me several hours to write and edit.

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I'll occasionally write a blog post with a recommendation and I've also added a page dedicated to some of my more well-liked things. While you can buy something I've recommended, you can also just jump to Amazon and make a purchase. Thanks again!

How to Flash Tasmota to a Sonoff S31 With no Soldering

7 min read

If you buy something from a link, Acorn Talk may earn a commission. See my Affiliate Programs statement.

Most instructions for flashing the Tasmota firmware to a Sonoff S31 wifi smart plug include a step of temporarily soldering some wires to the S31. No thanks. While I can probably manage it, they’re small solder pads and I didn’t want to mess up a brand new S31 with a botched solder attempt.

Here’s a way that involves a few small purchases that you can use in other projects and future S31s you may purchase.

Exposing the Internals

First, disassemble the S31 by using either a small blade flat-head screw driver, your stronger than mine finger nails (ouch), or something like the iFixit Jimmy. I used the Jimmy for many projects and use it often. It’s a no fuss simple way of gently prying open electronics. A thin screw driver may work as well, but be careful or you may damage the case.

Prying like us


After some careful prying:

Gray cover nearly removed

The gray end pops should snap off (don’t worry, there are no wires under the gray plastic cap that you may damage). There are two small screw covers that slide off the edges of the back, revealing 3 screws in total.

The secret screws are revealed

Once you’ve unscrewed those you can pull the separate the two remaining parts of the smart plug. You’ll be left with a plastic piece (the front) and all of the electronics.

Solder-Free Connections

The trick to the solder-free option is to buy an inexpensive set of breadboard jumper wires with test leads, like these Goupchn Test Hooks. The linked option is exactly what I bought and used. They worked like a champ.

Now, you’ll also need a way to get the flash the binary over USB. I bought and used the Moyina USB to TTL/Serial adapter.

Make sure that the switch on the device is set to 3.3V. Failure to make this change is likely to permanently damage the S31 rendering it e-waste.

Next connect to the serial adapter the following:

  1. VCC
  2. GND
  3. TXD
  4. RXD

USB Connections

The colors I selected don’t mean anything specifically, just be certain you’ve made the correct connections (I’ve shown them in the diagram below connected to the corresponding pad and pin).

Now, using the test hooks on the Sonoff S31, you’ll connect:

  1. USB VCC -> S31 VCC
  2. USB GND -> S31 GND
  3. USB TXD -> S31 RX
  4. USB RXD -> S31 TX

Note that the USB adapter TXD is connected to the RX on the Sonoff and the RXD on the USB adapter is connected to the TX on the Sonoff. (TX = Transmit and RX = receive — makes sense that the devices can transmit and receive signals/data bidirectionally).

There are 6 solder pads on the S31. Nothing will be connected to the 2 pads directly next to the GND pad. Do not connect the USB adapter to the D-RX or D-TX pads on the S31.

Correct wiring to the S31

It’s a tight fit to get the 4 test hooks onto the pads, but with a bit of patience, they hold firmly. Before you plug the USB adapter into power (your computer/laptop), double and triple check that the hooks are connected to the correct pads based on the required wiring and that none of the hooks are touching multiple pads. Check once more for safety (don’t rush — you’ll potentially wreck the S31 and or the USB adapter).


Gripping, angle 2!

The USB Serial Adapter is at 3.3V, RIGHT?

Also, now’s a great time to confirm that the USB adapter is set to 3.3V. It is right?

Finger Gymnastics

Next up are a few finger twisting moments where you’ll need to hold down the button in the center of the Sonoff S31 board, while carefully not dislodging or moving any of the test leads, AND simultaneously plugging the USB adapter into your computer or laptop (Windows, Linux, or MacOS are supported).

Here’s a simple tip: start to inserting the USB adapter into the device of your choosing, but don’t fully insert it (so that contacts aren’t made and the device isn’t recognized). Then, push the button and slide the USB adapter in the remainder of the way.

You’ll need to hold the button for a long 5 seconds and then you can release as it’s been placed into flash mode. Nothing happens visually on the S31.

Busy working!

Open a web browser to https://tasmota.github.io/install/.

If everything has gone to plan … when you click the connect button on the page, your Chromium-based browser will ask for permission to access the USB device:

Grant Permission to continue

Confirm that the device is correct (the specific COM# may be different for you) by clicking USB Serial Port (COM#) - Paired, then click Connect.

If you’re using a Linux distribution, like Ubuntu, this step may fail. However, it’s fixable by using the terminal and granting permission to the USB port that was selected (when I tried it, the USB port was at the bottom of a long list of possible devices).

sudo setfacl -m u:{USERNAME}:rw /dev/ttyUSB0

Substitute {USERNAME} for your current user and ttyUSB0 with the USB device you want to authorize (it will be shown in the device selection popup).

Anyway … the device dashboard is next … select INSTALL TASMOTA:

Select Install Tasmota to continue

Warning — this will erase the device completely.


Select Erase Device and click Next.

Erase Device Confirmed

Confirm your intention again and click Install:

Confirm you've selected the correct install

Now wait a while. Stretch. It takes no more than a minute or two. Don’t touch the device at this point.

Installing...please wait

Then, the moment you’ve waited for … it’s installed!


WiFi Configuration Step

Now, you’re not quite done. Some devices will automatically launch into the configuration for the device, but it doesn’t appear to happen for the S31s.

Gently unplug the USB adapter without disconnecting any of the cables. You won’t need to remove it fully from the USB socket though. Wait a few seconds and push it back in.

After 5-10 seconds, check for a new access point via WiFi. Mine looked like this:

Find the new temporary AP

Select the appropriate WiFi. Now, through seemingly mystical … luck …, your web browser may automatically connect to the Tasmota configuration web app. Or it may not right away. But, my Chromimum based browser did every time for me, eventually. If it’s not working, you’ll need to see what the IP address range it assigned to your computer is — mine was 192.168.4.### and the gateway was From the browser, I could have navigated to manually. But, as I said, the browser did automatically.

On the main screen:

Main Tasmota, select Configuration

Then Wifi:

Select Wifi

Then fill in your WiFi Information:

WiFi connection information needed

When you click Save, the device will reboot and provide the new IP address you’ll need to connect to (assuming the connection was successful and DHCP is doing its thing correctly!):

Finally, done!

Once your computer has disconnected from the temporary access point, the S31 will be available on your chosen WiFi network at the IP address shown.



Reassemble the S31 by putting the two halves back together, putting in the 3 screws, sliding the corner pieces back on, and carefully snapping the gray plastic end piece back on. Be careful to align the gray plastic piece properly and it’s likely it will need a firm push and maybe a second push for good measure before it snaps back into place. There are two alignment pegs that prevent it from being installed in the wrong orientation.

One More thing

From the configuration menu of the Tasmota, select Module and choose the Sonoff S31 (41) from the drop down menu. If you don’t do this, you’ll still have a basic working smart plug, but you’ll not be able to see the current power usage and energy totals. I’m not sure if there’s a sort to the list — for me it was 11 from the start of the list. 🤷‍♂️

Final Configuration

If you’re going to connect it to Home Assistant with MQTT … well, that’s a topic for another post.

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I really appreciate you stopping by and reading my blog!

You might not know that each Epic blog post takes me several hours to write and edit.

If you could help me by using my Amazon affiliate links, it would further encourage me to write these stories for you (and help justify the time spent). As always, the links don't add cost to the purchase you're making, I'll just get a little something from Amazon as a thanks.

I'll occasionally write a blog post with a recommendation and I've also added a page dedicated to some of my more well-liked things. While you can buy something I've recommended, you can also just jump to Amazon and make a purchase. Thanks again!

My Home Assistant Setup for 2025 and Beyond

20 min read

If you buy something from a link, Acorn Talk may earn a commission. See my Affiliate Programs statement.

The trouble with many Smart Home options is that unless you buy into one cohesive platform or system, you’ll end up with a mess of applications and user experiences. It’s hard to get family buy-in when things are split across multiple applications. I find it particularly frustrating when I need to remember the brand name of a smart bulb or power plug.

Over the years, there have been a few options that have been available for both the smart home enthusiast and the “get their hands dirty” type people. I’m thoroughly in the middle. I only like so much dirt before I get a towel and wipe off. Apple Homekit and Google Home work OK for some devices, but if you want something more sophisticated… .

Let’s start with my buyer’s guide to a new Home Assistant setup for 2025 though. I’ve included some personal history below my recommendations as well and a few other tidbits and learnings.

And in case you were wondering, the text including typos and grammar errors in this document were all written 100% by a HUMAN BEING. No AI was used. Enjoy!

My 2025 Solution: Home Assistant

I’d tried Home Assistant a few times over the years since it’s initial release. It’s gotten remarkably better.

My history with Home Assistant can be summarized like this:

It once required YAML file editing for most tasks and configuration … and I REALLY HATE YAML syntax: I’d move on from Home Assistant explorations and wait.

With recent versions, they’ve added a lot of functionality to the web UI so that automations and configuration commonly happens with a point/click/drag ‘n’ drop user interface. There are still cases where complex automations require manual editing, but they are infrequent.

Home Assistant is still very much a “Smart Home Enthusiast” product.

The creators of Home Assistant describe it like this:

Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server.

The user experience is good in some places and rough in others. Most automations are easy to build. But, there is a lot of terminology and configuration that is frankly, too “techy.” By that I mean, it’s not presented in a logical way or the terminology and techniques used to make changes are connected too closely to the underlying tech stacks that were used. Creating a dashboard of exposed devices and (entities!) is apparently vastly improved in recent versions. Yet, I’ve not managed to build a dashboard that is useful to me yet — dashboards feel far too constrained and the UI builder isn’t bad, it’s not particularly welcoming. It’s easy to build crap. Ask me how I know.

Here’s a brief list that may help you decide if Home Assistant is for you:

  • You find setup of a device using Alexa, Apple Home(Kit), Google Home frustrating and possibly complex. It doesn’t necessarily easier with Home Assistant. In fact, it’s likely more difficult (and involve some of the same steps you disliked originally).
  • You’ve never installed an operating system from scratch or built your own computer. (Yes, there are prebuilt Home Assistant hardware devices available to make that easier, but be sure you know the rest first). If you don’t want to — then, Home Assistant may not be for you.
  • You don’t know what DHCP is. You’ll want to know this and how to configure static IP addresses on your local network. If you don’t have access to a router or DHCP server, your experience may be degraded in some aspects depending on what you’re trying to accomplish.
  • You want a very polished user experience for managing the devices and automations (Home Assistant is not for you. It’s not bad by any means, but it’s not exceptional either).
  • You like to build computers and tinker with electronics (OK! This is probably a good match!)
  • If you want to have integrations with Alexa and Google Home and you’re OK with either a very complex setup or OK with an annual $65 USD fee to provide the integration, then proceed!

If you go ahead with Home Assistant and make the necessary purchases, I want to make certain that expectations you have match with reality. It’s not a bug-free do everything be-all for everyone platform. Nothing is.

It’s got rough edges and has some confusing behaviors and not every device is supported well. But, lots of things work really well and if you’re able to get your hands dirty and understand that there may be a few rough patches as you explore and build a Smart Home system around Home Assistant, then I’d definitely suggest giving it a go. With the setup I’ve got below, it’s very responsive and works very well.

I’ve been occasionally frustrated, but more often than not, very pleased with the results. If you’re on the fence and can afford to buy in, give it a try! Worst case, you repurpose the Raspberry Pi as a new little computer, maybe a game emulator!

My Requirements

When I decided to go Home Assistant, I went all in.

We use routines, schedules, automations, and smart plugs all over the house (many different brands). As with many homes, the location of lights, switches, and etc. seems poorly planned (well, often it’s just to electrical code, so … ). I’ve enhanced the control options in our house through the addition of keypads and voice assistants. For various reasons we settled on Google, but we’d switch to something else once it becomes reliable AND affordable.

I’ll detail out everything I bought below, but here were the basic requirements I settled on:

  • Z-Wave Compatible
  • Zigbee Compatible
  • Apple HomeKit Compatible (through a Apple HomeKit bridge)
  • Google Home Compatible
  • Fast (for both user interface interactions, but also operationally)
  • Low Power (electricity), small device.
  • An “appliance” like experience for the device
  • SSD rather than SD card for storage (fast and more reliable)
  • Long lasting — I don’t want to need to upgrade hardware in less than 3 years except for failure.

After far too much research, I settled on a Raspberry Pi 5 with 4GB of RAM. It’s more than very capable of running our Smart Home today, but as I wanted this to continue to perform for many years. Nothing I read suggested that Home Assistant would need more than 4GB of RAM, so I decided to not splurge on the 8GB. I could have used a Pi 4, but again, I went with the “longer lasting” option. I could buy an 8GB model and upgrade if RAM becomes a bottle neck in the future.

Nabu Casa (primary maintainers of Home Assistant) sells two “ready to go” devices. A “yellow” and a “green”. (buy). Skip it if you can. You’ll get faster hardware and be able to make upgrades/changes if you go it alone. The Green model for example doesn’t include Zigbee, Zwave or Bluetooth.

I’d considered a Intel based mini-PC, but the reviews were all over the place in terms of reliability and Raspberry Pis are known to generally take a beating and keep on ticking (digitally), so I moved on from the mini PC. It also seemed like except for the most basic PC hardware configurations, the total cost was going to be more than a well-featured Pi 5 combination.


There are a number of ways to add a SSD/NVMe to a Pi5 and I decided to go with an option that allowed a full length NVMe M.2 SSD (2280). 2280s are less expensive and there are technically more options available. However, as noted below, you’ll want to check SSD compatibility with any expansion you buy for the Pi5, as apparently, not all SSDs work in every configuration. Before you buy the SSD, confirm it works — the Crucial model below was confirmed to work by Pimoroni (on the product page under a heading Drive compatibility).

I 3D printed a case for the resulting combination of Pi5 and SSD expansion. I couldn’t find a case that I liked that was compatible and wasn’t metal. The Pimoroni model attached to the base of the Pi 5, so there are fewer standard cases for it. Depending on the type of NVMe expansion used, you may have more options. Given I’ve just tucked the resulting system away on a very high shelf in our pantry, I don’t see it anyway, so a case wasn’t strictly necessary.

I did buy a tool-free NVMe USB drive enclosure to make installation of Home Assistant easier. It definitely wasn’t necessary, but I’d wanted the enclosure anyway for other purposes as well.

The Shopping List

These items are what I’d suggest you start with as a purchasing guide if you want to start from zero. Some of you may have a few of these items on hand that you can repurpose. (I did not.)

I did a lot of research for each item before settling on this combination of hardware pieces. I hope you find it useful. Please support my efforts by using my affiliate links. Products Purchased for Home Assistant

  • Raspberry Pi 5 4GB ($60) - Buy this at your favorite authorized retailer as Amazon marketplace sellers often only have kits with junk included or the price is much higher
  • Raspberry Pi 5 Power Supply: Official Raspberry Pi 27W PD Power Supply 5.1V 5A with USB C ($12) - Same as Pi 5 (buy from an authorized retailer)
  • NVMe M.2 Drive: Crucial P3 Plus 500GB PCIe Gen4 3D NAND NVMe M.2 SSD (buy)
  • NVMe Base for Raspberry Pi 5: Pimoroni NVMe Base for Raspberry Pi 5 (link) (buy) ($20-$30)
  • Zigbee Adapter: SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle (buy)
  • Z-Wave Adapter: Zooz 800 Series Z-Wave Long Range S2 USB Stick (buy)
  • Official Raspberry Pi 5 Active Cooler ($5) - Buy it from an authorized retailer (it’s available on Amazon, but you’ll pay more than double its regular cost)
  • NVMe Enclosure (only needed for setup and later hobby projects): SABRENT USB 3.2 Type C Tool Free Enclosure for M.2 PCIe NVMe and SATA SSDs (buy)
  • Short USB 2.0 Cables - Needed to move the antennas for the Z-Wave and Zigbee antennas away from the Pi (and anything else around). (buy) Don’t skip on these. Get USB 2.0 (according to forum posts, 2.0 will be better than 3.0). Rather than guessing about my own supply of options, I bought 2 of the cables as they weren’t expensive.

If you do use the Pimoroni, the instructions for how to best install a Pi compatible OS and the drive itself are here. There is an official Raspberry Pi 5 M.2 HAT+ now (buy). It only accepts the slightly more expensive 2230 and 2242 NMVe drives if that matters to you. Of course, it’s well supported. The Pimoroni HAT instructions may seem a bit long and complex, but it’s well documented. Just follow along and in no time, it you’ll be ready. The SABRENT enclosure makes copying the OS to the SSD wicked fast. I was so accustomed to Pi OS installations to SD I doubted that the copy had even worked!

The setup for Home Assistant starts after assembling the NVMe HAT.

While setting all this up — I also switched all of our smart switches to Lutron Caséta. But, that’s definitely for another post. Eek!

And for the watchful eye, the box for the Pi 5 says “8 GB” and I said I used 4 GB for Home Assistant. I’d recycled the box for the 4 GB version already, but not for the 8 GB that I’m going to use for another project.

SSD vs SD Card

If you don’t want to spend the extra money for the (statistically speaking) longer lasting SSD option, I’d strongly recommend you buy a High Endurance SD Card. They’re designed for more writes than a more commonly purchased SD card. Use a SSD though if you can.

Either way: Backup your setup!!!

Create an automation to back up the configuration of your setup. Set it up to save a backup on a secondary disk. I have a storage location on a NAS available for the Home Assistant supervisor backup process (as shown below):

Backup Settings

alias: System-Backup Settings Every Day at 3AM
description: ""
    - trigger: time
      at: "03:00:00"
conditions: []
    - action: hassio.backup_full
      metadata: {}
          compressed: true
          homeassistant_exclude_database: false
mode: single

Home Assistant Routines

As of this writing in mid November 2024, I’ve got 56 automations setup and 150+ devices.

The messiest automation so far has been to setup a random time for an end of “Day Mode” so that the outside lights would turn off after a specific time every day, but not at the same time (so our house seems more lived in always). It involved Helpers, templates and a few automations.

It works well now. Randomization functionality isn’t exposed as a pattern that’s easily accessible in HomeKit, so I had to do a lot of reading and experimenting (and go figure, there are opinions about what is the best way!). Hubitat had it built in so it’s absence when I moved automations from one system to another was sorely noticed.

Day Mode Automation in Home Assistant

At the start of every day my instance of Home Assistant creates the randomized “night mode” time and stores it in an input datetime called random_offset_time as part of a basic automation. Night mode for my house is at 21:30 plus a random 15 minutes (900 seconds).

alias: Set (RANDOM) Night Mode Time Every.strftime('%H:%M') Day
description: ""
    - trigger: time
      at: "00:00:00"
conditions: []
    - action: input_datetime.set_datetime
      metadata: {}
          entity_id: input_datetime.random_offset_time
          time: >-
              {{ (strptime('21:30:00', '%H:%M:%S').timestamp() + (range(0, 900) |
              random)) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M:%S')  }}
mode: single

Alexa and Google Home Integration

As I mentioned above, Home Assistant can integrate with Alexa and Google Home. If you want to do it yourself — the steps are very complex and require setup that I’d guess most people won’t attempt. It is well documented, but there are a lot of moving pieces involving 3rd party services (like Google Cloud).

I’ve been doing software development for many decades and … ugh. I didn’t want to go through with the setup.

Nabu Casa offers a “Home Assistant Cloud” service. In addition to enabling voice assistants with a single click (and then enable devices to be exposed as desired), they add (included, but optional) support for remote access to your Home Assistant Instance.

While the cost of $65/year USD is a bit high, I consider it the easiest way to help fund the development of Home Assistant, and I get a feature we routinely use: voice assistants around the house. Win win.


One more thing, I didn’t switch to Home Assistant overnight. I slowly removed devices and automations from Hubitat over to Home Assistant over the course of a few weeks and that went well. Even though there was some definitely odd Z-Wave stuff happening at the beginning where it seemed like there were conflicts between the Hubitat Z-Wave mesh and the Home Assistant Z-Wave mesh, it sorted itself out on its own.

I did need to continually rebuild the Z-Wave network in Hubitat as I removed devices otherwise a number of devices became unreachable.

Also, I like to explicitly add devices so turning off this functionality in Home Assistant was very helpful:

Disabling Z-Wave Auto Enable You can find it here: Settings > Devices & Services > Integrations (tab on top) > Z-Wave > Vertical Three Dot Menu Button (ugh!) > System Options

Disable “Enable newly added entities.” as shown above.

Until I did that Home Assistant was locating devices too quickly, and discovered even a few that I still can’t figure out (neighbor’s devices?).


Home Assistant may be the best Smart Home setup in 2025 for you. If expectations are reasonable and you understand what you’re getting into, it’s likely a good match. I’d strongly suggest anyone interested verify that the hardware and integrations you want to use are supported so you don’t end up disappointed right out of the Smart Home gate. Do not assume that everything you want to use will be supported fully. Especially check if there are “must-haves” that you don’t want to lose if you’re migrating from another Smart Home solution (like SmartThings).

I like what I’ve got setup now, but I’ve also had to invest in the setup and configuration. I’m mostly excited about it “just working” and me not needing to tinker with it anymore.

There are plenty of great resources available to learn more about Home Assistant both on web pages and on YouTube. A fair warning though: check the publish date and the version of Home Assistant they’re using. As mentioned, a lot has changed, and the way some tasks are done has changed dramatically in some aspects which can make following along a challenge.

Thanks for reading! I hope you’ve found this useful.

Establishing Smart Home Credibility

I thought to include some back story about my Smart Home journey and why I chose Home Assistant below.

No more X-10 (thankfully)

I will date myself by admitting that I did have some X-10 hardware running in my house successfully for many years. It wasn’t great and wasn’t always reliable, regardless of the various attempts I made over the years to improve it. I even had an electrician install an X-10 booster in the electrical panel to improve the signal.

When I moved to a larger house, with multiple electrical panels — X-10 wasn’t a reasonable option as the signal needed to bridge the service to both panels, there was more wiring … it just didn’t work. It was only reliable at being thoroughly inconsistent.

For quite a few years I tried a variety of products. I generally stayed away from products that required power-line as the solution as they weren’t usable in our house. (Yes, I even tried Insteon, but it was a failure in our house for reasons that I couldn’t quite understand).

On to the SmartThings (sort of)

Dismayed by options, it wasn’t until that this Kickstarter was announced that I decided to try my luck again.

SmartThings (prior to Samsung buying the company). Kickstarter for SmartThings v1

As you can see — I did get in early (but not the SUPER EARLY BIRD).

The best part about the version one of SmartThings really was that it was trying to put a consumer friendly experience around what was traditionally a tragically mediocre (at best) home automation experience.

Their hardware was … average. The software … clunky. The reliability, not so much. The wall receptacles were definitely OK for their time. The newer models were a lot easier to use and I still have some of them doing daily duty around the house (they’re Zigbee based).

It took several hardware versions and many more mobile application versions for the SmartThing ecosystem to find its footing and provide a better software and hardware experience. It still was limited and too much of the control was cloud-only. My home at the time was served by a slow DSL connection, which meant cloud-controlled devices reacted slowly to live-requests.

I stumbled upon Hubitat Elevation a few years after version 3 of the SmartThings hub was released. Hubitat’s company history is interesting as it was a “spin-off” from disgruntled/unhappy SmartThing’s vocal users. Hubitat has gotten so much better over the last few revisions of hardware and software and definitely—if it weren’t for some issues I’ll talk about—could be worthy of consideration in many households (but it’s still very much an enthusiast-only product). The community seems to be very upbeat and it’s frequently enhanced.

Hubitat started to be Bad: Review

Until about 6 weeks ago, Hubitat was my primary home automation/smart home system. But, I’d grown so tired of issues around the house caused by it and my unfortunately extensive Z-Wave setup.

I didn’t want to switch honestly as I had a lot of time and effort invested into the system and the hardware that worked well with it. I’d bought the latest Hubitat C-8 Pro device and things were going OK for a while — until the system started to fail routinely randomly. I hadn’t realized that they maintain a tragically awful warranty (90 days?!) so a return/replacement was out of the question. The device would just sit there — dead. Many lights and automations wouldn’t work.

90 days. That’s the length of time you use when you have no confidence in your product.

My wife would announce, “the lights aren’t working again …” I’d sigh, and … use the Kasa TP-Link app to remotely turn off the Hubitat’s power to cycle it. When things went bad, it wouldn’t respond to any requests and the built in web server (and admin server) wouldn’t respond. So, death by power removal was the best option to recover it (using the Kasa Smart Plug HS103P4).

I followed all the trouble shooting steps that Hubitat offered. Not a single one made it more reliable. I’d had it on a reboot cycle (via an add-on app for Hubitat) that was set to nightly, but it didn’t seem to make things better. I needed to kill the power every few days to hard cycle the Hubitat.

If you ignore that problem as a potential one-off hardware issue (that was going to require me to buy an entirely new device), I still wouldn’t recommend it if you’re starting out with home automation. They don’t have a product that is suited for use by casual DIYers. It’s very clear the more you’re wired the way the developers thought about how to solve problems the more in tune you’ll be with the quirky system.

Below is a snapshot of a “Rules Engine” setup. For those who have Hubitat’ed recently, they also have a specialized “Motion App” that I found nearly impossible to understand. I found the workflow, terminology and instructions to be inscrutable with any reasonable amount of effort on my part. Not that this is a lot better, but it was at least in my control:

Hubitat Motion Rule Machine

And with the awful warranty — I can’t recommend buying a Hubitat. A few years ago, I think they were a contender and I’d recommended it to a few friends, but it’s not worth it anymore. They’ve baked in a lot of features and a lot of bugs apparently with hardware they don’t stand behind. If you love Hubitat and haven’t had any problems, good for you! That hasn’t been my experience.

Nerding Out

I have Home Assistant running on an IOT VLAN using UniFi. That’s a bit of a head scratcher to get it working and so that it can properly bridge a VLAN network (if desired). That requires executing this line from the HA console:

ha network vlan end0 1 --ipv4-method auto --ipv6-method auto

And then in the UniFi configuration for the device port connected to the HA hardware, you’ll set the Native VLAN/Network to the IOT network, set Tagged VLAN Management to Custom, and then add a Tagged VLAN for the VLAN where you also want to expose an IP address. In my case it was Default.

By doing that though, it made Apple HomeKit configuration not work. The fix:

To /homeassistant/configuration.yaml, I added this block:

    - name: HA HomeKit Bridge
      ip_address: # static IP address
              - automation # this was to remove automations from being exposed in HomeKit as devices

I have a Modern Forms fan that isn’t very reliable for automation. However, it’s gotten better now that I’ve added an automation to trigger a periodic reboot of the fan controller. Interestingly, it doesn’t affect the “live running” fan in any noticeable way, it’s purely the controller.

To /homeassistant/configuration.yaml, I added this block:

        url: ""
        method: POST
            content_type: "application/json; charset=utf-8"
        payload: '{"reboot": true}'

The IP address is the static IP address of the Modern Form’s fan controller. Then I created an automation to trigger the reboot via a Perform Action: Action: RESTful Command: reboot_mf_lr_fan.

Hi! Before you go...🙏

I really appreciate you stopping by and reading my blog!

You might not know that each Epic blog post takes me several hours to write and edit.

If you could help me by using my Amazon affiliate links, it would further encourage me to write these stories for you (and help justify the time spent). As always, the links don't add cost to the purchase you're making, I'll just get a little something from Amazon as a thanks.

I'll occasionally write a blog post with a recommendation and I've also added a page dedicated to some of my more well-liked things. While you can buy something I've recommended, you can also just jump to Amazon and make a purchase. Thanks again!

Indefinite Pause on Epic Content

1 min read

I’ve decided to indefinitely pause publishing my Epic content.

2025-02-19 update: I’ve decided to occasionally post more Epic content, but not to any specific schedule or … 🤣 cadence.

If you can help by supporting the site (Amazon affiliate links), or sending thoughts and memories about your time at Epic, … it will help me be inspired to write more. While I’ve gotten some great feedback and interaction on occasion, it’s like talking to the void right now — I don’t know who is even out there besides AI/LLMs training on my content!

When this side-project/hobby feels like unpaid work, 😟 … next hobby please.

Thanks for supporting me.


Another Cadence Conference-A Big Headache

4 min read

I had the hugest of headaches. I needed something to dull the pain so I could keep working.

I’d been staffing the Epic “booth” at a conference in 1995 or early 1996. I’m embarrassed to say I can’t figure out what conference it was though! It was much larger than my TEPR experience. I found a “history of HIMSS” document and confirmed it wasn’t a HIMSS conference. In any case, I was there to answer technical questions about Cadence / Epic and deflect non-customers from the booth. There were a lot more Epic staff on hand — it was an important conference.

We were staying at the Marriott Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center in Nashville, Tennessee (USA). It is absolutely bonkers of a hotel and conference center. Take ALL of the ideas you might have about what you’d want in a hotel experience and that idea was likely manifested somewhere in the facility, if you could find it. I’ve stayed in hundreds of hotels (from theme parks to Vegas to a former castle in Ireland) and never stayed at somewhere that had so many things going on — it wasn’t relaxing — think MORE COWBELL.

From the Opryland Hotel web site:

“Inside our airy, nine-acre glass atriums inspired by the vibrant energy and charm of the region, you’ll find winding waterways, lush gardens, and an enchanting atmosphere. Wander through the tranquil paths, find a quiet spot to chat, or simply relax and enjoy the perfect 72-degree temperature.”

If you’ve been on business trips, especially Epic trips “back in the day”, you’d visit cities by arriving late at night, do a thing for 12-16 hours, sleep and then wake up for an early morning flight. That was my first trip to Nashville. There probably was a city, but I arrived at night and left before dawn two days later. I only went outside to get from the airport to the hotel. One of THOSE trips.

There were two things I remember from the event. First, being a booth guard. There were thousands of attendees at this conference (still frustrated I can’t figure out what the name was!!!). There were many competitors and consultants that would attempt to watch demos or ask questions about our software. On more than a few occasions I had to Midwest Nicely ask someone to leave the booth.

The most frustrating one was a former Epic employee that had become a consultant for a competitor. He kept coming back to the booth and trying different avenues to learn about software release dates, etc. Under the guise of “friendly ex-employee asking innocent questions” he tried and tried. A little part of me felt bad for him that he’d decided to do that. But, a bigger part was surprised that he thought we were gullable enough to fall for it. There are often “pre-huddles” either at Epic or before the conference floor opens to visitors where last minute topics are discussed. He’d been a topic of both meetings as a warning.

I’m sincerely glad my career hasn’t required me to be on the opposite end of that.

In the middle of the afternoon on day 1, my brain hurt. I couldn’t concentrate and desperately needed some medication for a pounding headache. The cold and dry conference center air with the noises, the crowds, dehydration, talking to people … HEADACHE. I’d finally decided to try to find my hotel room (which was an adventure itself) and get something for my headache.

As I was just about to leave the main exhibitor hall, Judy saw me and asked how I was doing. Yes, she knew my name. 😀

I told her it was going well other than the pounding headache I’d developed.

She said “hold on!” and began to shuffle through her handbag/purse. A moment later, she offered me two ibuprofen/aspirin/what-evers. 99% of the time I would have declined that offer from nearly anyone (as I’m a no-double dipper, wash your hands, germ-a-phobe), but the gesture was so unexpected and my head so pounding I accepted them graciously and eagerly and used what little water I had left in a water bottle to swallow them immediately. I of course said thank you and I don’t think we chatted further.

Your two take-aways from this post:

  • Don’t be the person who tries to get ex-coworkers and friends to tell you secrets
  • Judy gave me drugs (yes, OTC drugs, but still).

If anyone knows what conference this would have been, I’d appreciate knowing and will happily update this post with information.

Hi! Before you go...🙏

I really appreciate you stopping by and reading my blog!

You might not know that each Epic blog post takes me several hours to write and edit.

If you could help me by using my Amazon affiliate links, it would further encourage me to write these stories for you (and help justify the time spent). As always, the links don't add cost to the purchase you're making, I'll just get a little something from Amazon as a thanks.

I'll occasionally write a blog post with a recommendation and I've also added a page dedicated to some of my more well-liked things. While you can buy something I've recommended, you can also just jump to Amazon and make a purchase. Thanks again!