Subscriptions on the Way!

1 min read

My blog post planned for today was to announce that I had a subscription email set up so you could have my blog posts delivered directly to your email inbox.

Instead of spending the time writing the post, I worked on setup instead. And then … it went longer and longer, and it seemed like the settings and choices never ended and … it’s not going to happen today.

So, this post is about a thing that is coming soon.

I think I got caught up a bit in the “look how shiny and easy this is… marketing fluff and enthusiastic user testimonials,” and didn’t see that getting things off the ground wasn’t so straightforward.

I’m very likely to use the services from buttondown, but the onboarding has been a little clunky, and I’ve lost some data due to some frustrating user interface choices. It’s probably super easy to get something ugly and basic together using buttondown, but I’m not happy with that.

Till next time …, when I plan to be actually done with the setup.